Hourly Rate:
    $250 per hour (up to three parties)
    $300 per hour (four parties or more)
Minimum Fee: 2 Hours when a half day is scheduled and 4 hours when a full day is scheduled.

Foreclosure and Pre-Foreclosure Rates:
Foreclosure and Pre-Foreclosure mediations are usually a flat fee per mediation, based on several mediations being scheduled per day.  Please e-mail mediation@nielander.com or call (863) 465-8181 for further information.
Travel Time and Expenses: No charge for travel time or mileage for mediations conducted within Highlands, Polk, Desoto, Hendry, Glades, or Okeechobee Counties. For mediations conducted outside those counties, there will be a flat fee charge for travel time of $150, divided equally among the parties. 
Preparation time:
full hourly rate 
Fee is due and payable at the conclusion of the mediation.

William J. Nielander, P.A.
2016 All Rights Reserved
(863) 465-8181 or (941) 676-2086